Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Descartes Theory Of Reasoning - 1184 Words
After first explaining Antoine Arnauld’s objection to Descartes’ circular reasoning, I will be presenting a response given by Descartes. Then I will attempt to consider, on behalf of Arnauld, if the response is of adequacy, then I shall decide which view offers the best account. I suspect, however, that no matter what kind of response Descartes is to give, nothing will be able to save him from the torment of the so called ‘Cartesian circle’. In objection to Descartes’ reasoning behind his attempt to establish that what is true, is clear and distinct perception, Antoine Arnauld argues his reasoning is circular (Arnauld AT VII 124–125). Before explaining why circularity is evident, I will first consider what Descartes’ ‘truth rule’ really consists of. After establishing ‘cogito ergo sum’, Descartes uses the same logical terminology in which the cogito was established, to attempt to find other truths in the external world (Descartes AT VII 35). However, as there is no causality between cogito and external truths, some further proof is required for Descartes. This is at the point Descartes introduces the argument for Gods existence and hence, we get the truth rule established. He argues that, God exists and is not a deceiver, in which case any clear and distinct ideas must be true (Descartes AT VII 52). This is where the problem of circularity arises, as Descartes assumes the id ea of God to be true because it is innate, clear and distinct, and then sets out to assume otherShow MoreRelatedDescartes Meditation Iii1297 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosophy Descartes tries to prove the existence of God in the third meditation. He does this by coming up with several premises that eventually add up to a solid argument. First, I will explain why Descartes ask the question, does god exist? And why does Descartes think he needs such and argument at this point in the text. 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