Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Feedback to my classmate Essay
1.The four points about giving feedback that I plan to utilize while providing my classmate feedback on their skills check are as follows: Equality – My classmate is a valuable and worthwhile human being. Communication is generally more effective when feeling of equality exists. We are both equal in every way as we are both taking the Health Care Assistant program and both have home lives. Supportiveness – There has to be an atmosphere of trust and mutual support for effective communication between myself and my classmate Positiveness – To transmit positive feeling to other people. My classmate needs to feel liked and accepted by me and then they will be more apt to become involved in communication with me. Empathy – To try and feel as my classmate being assessed on their skills check would feel and to try and understand what they are experiencing. 2. Of the five components of caring communication the two that I utilized the most while providing constructive feedback to my classmate with regards to their skills check were supportiveness and equality. I utilized the two components as follows: Supportiveness – I felt I created an atmosphere of trust and mutual support with my classmate by reiterating that my classmate had requested me to provide constructive feedback on three components of their skills check and that I would only give feedback on the three components identified. When my classmate had completed the skills check, I proceeded to give my classmate constructive positive feedback on the three components identified. I addressed each component specifically and stated how my classmate had supported the component and where I felt the component had not been supported. I identified strengths and areas for improvement. Even if my classmate had successfully completed the identified component, I verbally identified the component and what behaviour my classmate performed to support the component. I explained descriptively on how my classmate’s actives matched their intention. At this point the instructor that was performing my classmates’ skills check asked if there were any other items that I would like to comment on. Before I proceeded, I took into consideration the reason for this exercise and considered what my classmate required and what had been requested of me. I questioned my classmate if they would like any additional feedback and stated that I had not written any other comments on the feedback skills check form. My classmate indicated that they did want additional feedback. I provided by classmate with additional comments on 2 additional behaviours that had room for improvement. I asked my classmate if I should write the additional comments on the feedback formfor skills check, which was agreed on. Equality – Once my classmate had completed the skills check and before I proceeded to give any constructive feedback on the three components of the skills check that my classmate had identified for feedback, I thanked my classmate for asking me to give feedback and stated that this was the first time that I had given constructive feedback. I smiled and laughed a little stated that I was also nervous just as they were. I reiterated that we are peers and classmates and that giving constructive feedback can be difficult and that I hoped any feedback I gave was helpful to my classmate. 3. While I received feedback on my skills check, I took into consideration that constructive feedback is to give my classmate and myself the opportunity to learn. Constructive feedback is not about me or us, but about the behaviours that we are performing. I felt elated when I received positive feedback, so in turn receiving constructive feedback on behaviour where I needed improvement was much more positive. I felt receiving feedback that was descriptive and that identified strength and areas for improvement very informative and a creative learning tool. I found I was listening closely was able to rephrase the feedback that I had received. I felt very positive about the whole skills check feedback and was able to understand that it was â€Å"constructive feedback†and not criticism which in turn allowed me to thank all that were involved with a smile. 4.Upon reflection of giving and receiving feedback, I feel that it was a very positive experience. When I received the feedback from my classmate on my skills check, my classmate proceeded to give me additional comments. I was not prepared for this, nor did I expect this. I feel I may have projected this to my classmate by way of body language. I knew and I feel that I regrouped quickly and I did listen to what my classmate had to say. I understood that this was a learning tool for me, and that my classmate was trying to help me with my behaviours that needed improvement and was not being critical of me. When I gave feedback I am not sure that I finished with a positive statement to my classmate. I now realize how important this is and I feel somewhat ashamed that I may have missed this step. Receiving any type of feedback can be daunting whether it is positive or meant to assist with areas that require improvement.
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