Sunday, May 24, 2020
Physics of Stars Essay examples - 1046 Words
Stars are phenomenal glowing spheres that everyone has noticed in the night sky. Long ago they were poorly understood. Today, with the help from astronomers, physicists, and other space scientists, we have discovered a large amount of information about stars. These huge balls of flaming gas have many different ranges of characteristics. We can observe the many fascinating colors that may be displayed from stars. Some of them are not stars themselves, but the trillions of fragments left behind after they explode into supernova (Moreau, 2000). There is a huge variation in sizes of stars as well. They range from super giants to small dwarfs. Most often their sizes correlate to their age or the particular cycle they are beginning to†¦show more content†¦These two diagrams show the action of subatomic particles smashing into each other creating other elements and energy as a byproduct. Both of these pictures demonstrate the occurrence between the most common elements, hydrogen and helium, undergoing fusion. Sometimes when dealing with mathematical descriptions of specific phenomenon concerning stars the complexity may become intense. However, we will explore common occurrences and changes of stars that can be described by simple mathematical relationships. One primary occurrence between stars that are approaching their later stages is a reduction in their radius. This occurs when elements such as hydrogen and helium in the center of the star change into gaseous iron from electron exchanges and other processes. Eventually the star becomes very dense and the radius of the star is reduced. By the conservation of angular momentum in this case, the velocity must increase due to the decreased radius (Kippenhahn, 194-95). Lets do a calculation to show this. By the conservation of angular momentum we get this equation: Ii wi = If wf, where Ii is the initial moment of inertia, wi is the initial angular speed, and If and wf are the final products of what I just listed. The moment of inertia of a sphere is (2/5)mR^2, where m is the mass and R is the radius. Plugging these into the equation Ii wi = If wf, we get, (2/5)mRi^2 wi = (2/5)mRf^2 wf.Show MoreRelatedPhysics : Dark Matter, The Sun, Other Stars, And Galaxies1462 Words  | 6 Pagesincluding Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxies is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms (National Geographic, 2012). Astronomers use the term ‘baryonic’ to refer to all objects made of normal atomic matter, essentially ignoring the presence of electrons (Swinburne University, 2015). Baryons interact with each other through gravity, nuclear forces and the electrostatic force. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
`` What We Talk About When We Talking About Love `` By...
What is love? Love can come from that of a friendship, a romantic relationship, the unconditional love that God has for one, or simply one person adoring another. These are all considered, in one form or another, love. However, as Mel McGinnis has asked: â€Å"what do any of us really know about love?†(333). Is love real, or is it just a figment of our imagination? What does the word LOVE even mean? The indefinability of love is the overlaying theme in the story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,†written by Raymond Carver. This story focuses on the examples two couples, Mel and Terri, and their newlywed friends Laura and Nick, use to discuss the meaning of love. While sitting around a kitchen table drinking a bottle of gin, the two pairs discuss what love is as the day passes them by, and although they never reach a consensus, they do provide excellent examples allowing the reader to draw conclusions on the meaning of love. However, as the theme suggest s, no matter the amount of examples or time spent trying to figure it out, love can never be given one general definition because there are many different interpretations of what love actually is. This is a great take away point for college students to learn because college is where students are trying to find the meaning of love and life. Through characterizations and ironic situations, love can be broken down in to two different categories of unconditional and conditional love, and while this story mostly coversShow MoreRelatedWhat We Talking About When We Talk About Love By Raymond Carver1677 Words  | 7 PagesLove can be defined in many ways, but does anyone know the true meaning of it? In Raymond Carver’s short-story What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, he shows us the realism behind the true meaning of love with a menacing tone. This story particularly shows how different people may have different definitions of it that reflect who they are as a person by usi ng strangle dialogue given by the characters and situations that reveal symbolic items. From the ironic remarks and slight rebuttals inRead MoreThe Sojourner And What We Talking About When We Talk About Love By Carson Mccullers And Raymond Carver1291 Words  | 6 PagesIn the short stories title The Sojourner and What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, written by Carson McCullers and Raymond Carver respectively, the writers tell a story about love and its changing attitudes. The main characters in these stories all vary in regard to their personalities and their individual idiosyncrasies, however, the message being conveyed by McCullers and Carver is that of the changing nature of love, and how it can impact an individual’s sense of self in respect to how oneRead MoreRaymond Carver1583 Words  | 7 PagesRaymond Carver (1938-1988) was a poet and a simple realist writer of short stories. His prose addresses the average working-class citizen. Bill Mullen describes the book that contains the short story â€Å"What We Talk About We Talk About Love†to the â€Å"distinctly post-modern fate of contemporary working-class Americans†(Bloom). The writings are depressing and riddled with failures in life. The textbook calls his school of writing â€Å"Alcoholic Blue-Collar Minimalist Hyperrealism†(Bayam). This is evidentRead MoreImportance of Symbolism in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love1027 Words  | 5 Pagesmake. 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I think the author Raymond Carver created the character Mel based off someone he knew. Carver created Mel for one reason or anotherRead MoreThe Many Sides of Dr. Melvin R. McGinnis1475 Words  | 6 PagesRaymond Carvers short story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†leaves the reader feeling as if they have sat down at the table with a bottle of Gin and experienced first hand the effects of alcoholism and depression. In the original version of this story the â€Å"Beginners†Carver carefully crafts the many sides of an alcoholic personality developing strong knowable characters. The fundamental personalities are left fairly intact from the original version. It should be noted that the feelingsRead MoreIt’S Interesting How Everyone Has A Differing And Personal1659 Words  | 7 Pagespersonal definition of love. Love is an indefinable heap of confusion. I guess I could say â€Å"in my opinion†, love is connection, trust, affection, and openness†¦love is the most extraordinary and satisfying expe rience that we can have as human beings. At some points in our life we will all experience love whether it’s for a human being or maybe just for your dog. Why is this question so hard to answer? I perceive love in a positive way but on the other hand Raymond perceives love differently. That’s okayRead MoreEssay on Raymond Carvers What We Talk About When We Talk About Love1355 Words  | 6 PagesLove is undoubtedly one of the most frequently explored subjects in the literary world. Whether the focus is a confession of love, criticism of love, tale of love, or simply a tale about what love is, such literary pieces force readers to question the true meaning and value of love. Raymond Carver accomplishes this in his short story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.†As the unadorned setting and the personality of each character unfold, the reader realizes that Carver is making a graveRead MoreThe Complexity of Love in Raymond Carver’s What W e Talk About When We Talk About Love520 Words  | 2 Pagesto get wrapped up talking about is love. And it always has been. In Raymond Carver’s â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,†the four characters spend an entire afternoon discussing the simple word that has countless interpretations. Carver uses this story to convey how not everyone shares the same definition of love. He uses Mel, Terri, and Nick and Laura to show just a few of the ways love can be seen, expressed, or develops through stages. Mel McGinnis views love in a handful of differentRead MoreEssay about Cathedral Character Analysis1414 Words  | 6 Pagesthe story Cathedral, by Raymond Carver, the narrator is conflicted with issues of inner-demons that are manifested in a blind man whom he perceives as a danger to his marriage. The narrator in this story is a good example of an anti-hero showing negative characteristics while never actually being a bad guy. This gives the idea that he is very humanistic character. That being said, he is a flawed character who is just trying to please his wife while not giving up what he wants. In the end he realizes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Civilization Free Essays
The success of a civilization is determined by the excellent education system and excellent education system dominated by an excellent range of teachers. In general, it is believed that the aims of producing outstanding and dedicated teachers are determined by the quality of teacher training program. No doubt it is important to assess how the quality of teacher training program provided by an institution could affect the teachers’ preparation before performing duties as a teacher soon. We will write a custom essay sample on Civilization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Recognizing the importance of quality teacher training program need to be provided to prospective teachers, this study is conducted to examine the effectiveness of teacher training program of Diploma In Early Childhood Education offered by Institute of Early Years Development, Damansara Perdana, Selangor. This diploma program is offered for 2 years and 6 months of lectures including 2 months (1 month at nursery and one month at kindergarten) practical training at the end of lectures. THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this research is to examine students’ perceptions towards the quality of syllabus and course content in the diploma program of early childhood education (DECE) and how this program could improve the preparation of students to become quality teachers in the field of early childhood education. The evaluation will focus on how materials, assignment, exams and learning experience during the period of study undertaken could help students prepared to become as an educator in this field. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of the research are: 1. Examine effectiveness of teacher training program of Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE) to prospective teachers 2. Identify additional requirements needed to improve the quality of program RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What are the students’ perceptions on the quality of the course content of the program? 2. What are the students’ perceptions on the quality of teaching of this program? 3. What additional requirements needed to improve the quality of program? RESEARCH DESIGN Methodology used for this research is using quantitative study with cross-sectional survey. Sample population for this study consisted of students who are currently enrolled in a Diploma in Early Childhood Education at Institute of Early Years Development (IEYD). Population of the study consisted of 300 active students that are currently enrolled at institute and sample total of 169 students is selected using random selection to choose sample from the population. The instrument used for study is questionnaire. Appendix A : Sample Questionnaire 1) Matrix number : ____________________________ 2) What were your reasons for taking this course? _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3) What is your current class standing? : _______________________________ Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 4) The syllabus clearly described the course content. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 5) The syllabus clearl y defined assignments. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 6) The syllabus clearly described class activities. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 7) Course assignments were at an appropriate level of difficulty. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 8) The instructor was good at facilitating class discussion. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 9) The instructor treated all students fairly. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 10) The size of the class was appropriate. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 11) The textbooks and other readings appropriately covered the course content. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 12) The instructor effectively used the textbooks and readings to teach the course. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 13) The current textbooks should continue to be used. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 14) I would recommend this course to other students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 15) I would recommend this instructor to other students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 16) I have a stronger interest in this subject because of this course. How to cite Civilization, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Auditing Revenue Recognition
Question: Discuss about the Auditing for Revenue Recognition. Answer: Introduction: The word Audire from the Latin, for Audit means to say to listen. The business always started with generating profit and is related with huge transactions involving cash and bank and will involve lot of other transactions like revenue, sales, expenses like depreciation, etc. The Auditor is appointed with an objective to crosscheck various entries related to cash and bank and also expenses and income which has either relation with cash and bank only as the total world business runs on either cash or bank as all transactions are on the basis of cash and bank and there is no other ways and means to deviate from here. The Auditors main duty is to detect if any fraudulent activities are taking place or not in the business. Also to check the entire human resource of the company is fraud free or not. If any fraudulent activities are found then they are required to take appropriate measures to rectify the same1. The auditors job is related with the following: To verify all guidelines, rule and regulations, standard operating procedures, etc of the company. To detect and demonstrate all its detection of financial information to all stakeholders. To verify the procedures and methods followed by each department as formulated by the company2. To find out any manipulations, mistake or misrepresentations of any vital information is made in the business by any employees. To bring in the new guidelines on the basis of the findings and the detection done and to prepare a detailed report on such discoveries. The auditor is always to find the loopholes in the functioning of the business and any mistakes, fraudulent activities have taken place in the business and the management is aware of it then the auditors duty is to highlight this to all the stakeholders in their report and to make it rectified totally so that such acts are not performed in future in the greater interest of the business and all the investors2. About QQQ Limited The company is in the business of the Airlines and customers who travel by air. Their revenue has dropped by 6% and their advance revenue also dropped by 11% and the depreciation also dropped by 5%. Explain why the revenue from passenger accounts in the income statement is at significant risk of fraudulent financial reporting by management3. a) The management always target to show very high earnings but if the cost is not recovered from the operations and from the revenue earned then the business will tend to go for losses. The management always looks into this as a bad sign and try to find ways and means to cover such losses in different types of manipulation of accounts by making adjustments in various types in the incomes and the expenses. The most effective manipulation can be done in the process in the areas of revenue, advance revenue, and expenses like depreciation which is of very big nature in an airline industry as the planes value is very high[2]. The revenue and the advance revenue is shown reduced to show its stakeholders that the business is not going good and as also the depreciation is reduced means the reduction in depreciation means reduction in substantial expense which will result in drop in total expense but as the revenue and the advance revenue is reduced by 6% and 11% respectively that means the prof it will be reduced in the long run and the business will like a loss making thus making it bankrupt and no more workable. This is nothing but sheer fraud to reduce revenue, advance, revenue and depreciation which also means that the value of total assets will not actually reduce instead it will show the profit to jump due to less expense but it all depends on actual figures in an airline business. Describe a relevant and practical internal control to address the fraud risk described in (a) above. Explain how the internal control will minimize the risk of b) The main target of the auditor is to prepare a list for their audit job is to detect fraud and manipulation and find ways to correct and to put in place an internal control through this process as described as per ASA-240 are as follows: First to understand the nature of business. Next to understand the human resources including the management of the company. Then to make a detailed list of dos and donts for the audit team to follow during the time of audit[3]. Then to find out the detailed list of all books of accounts and other books and records maintained by the whole company. Then to start planning for checklist for each and every department according to their job profile. Then to start planning for making counter verification with other parties and stakeholders if required to verify certain transactions in which they may have doubts and needs further clarification from third parties like bank, investors, suppliers, shareholders, creditors, debtors, ex-employees, ex-management people, etc3. Next to have a list for collection of evidence of large amount transactions. Then to do a list planning for making the random checking to find if the internal audit system is placed well enough to detect any problem at all. Then to prepare for steps to be taken if any fraud, mistake, manipulations, misrepresentations, etc are located. Finally to prepare a detailed findings report for the entire stakeholders to take note of. The management is to keep strict internal control and the entire business setup needs to be kept in strict guideline as per the advice of the auditor. The internal auditors and the external auditors need to start the reconciliation of the entire process of checking and rechecking of the entire operations in detail. The control requires being very specific and guided by both the management and the auditors. Reference Auditor's Perspective: An Interview with Mike Schamberger, Assurance Partner at Grant Thornton LLP, (October, 14 2010) Maire Loughran, WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU AUDIT REVENUE, (October, 14 2010) AICPA, Revenue Recognition, (October, 14 2010) PCAOB, PCAOB Issues Staff Audit Practice Alert on Auditing Revenue in Light of Frequently Observed Significant Audit Deficiencies,, (October, 14 2010) Pwc, Revenue recognition: Effectively managing accounting change, (October, 14 2010) [1] Auditor's Perspective: An Interview with Mike Schamberger, Assurance Partner at Grant Thornton LLP 2, (October, 14 2010) Maire Loughran, WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU AUDIT REVENUE, (October, 14 2010)
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