Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Early to Bed Free Essays
Ahead of schedule to Bed April seventeenth 2013 Section 1 It’s not bizarre you can hear the planks of flooring squeak, the latrine flush, and the sound of the first shoe drop to the floor from your neighbor at 1 a. m. in your condo, and you might be one of them. We will compose a custom paper test on Right on time to Bed or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now These days numerous individuals keep awake until late, particularly for those individuals who have variable rest plans, for example, college understudies. College understudies ordinarily change their rest plans because of considering, working professionally, or working for long range informal communication (e. g. liquor and caffeine utilization). Keeping awake until late for the most part prompts deficient rest, and this circumstance is predominant among college understudies. As indicated by a study done by Leon C. Need Ph. D. in the diary â€Å"Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students†, â€Å"A test of 211 college first-year brain science students†¦ represented about half of the absolute enlistment in the course†¦ about half of the example whined of inadequate rest and assessed requiring thirty minutes more rest on the normal to feel rested. (Lakc, 2010) Moreover, the creator additionally understood the linkage between keeping awake until late and the de ficient rest, â€Å"Delayed rest design apparently emerges from a deferral in their endogenous natural rhythms that makes trouble in nodding off early enough to get adequate rest before fundamental weekday early daytime arousing. †(Lakc, 2010) Both postponed rest and lacking rest can cause genuine sound issues, and furthermore influence one’s working efficiency. In light of the Journal named â€Å"Pathways to pre-adult wellbeing rest guideline and behavior†by Ronald E Dahl, M. D. â€Å"There is mounting proof that lack of sleep has its most noteworthy negative impacts on the control of conduct, feeling, and attention†¦ the most evident direct wellbeing results of inadequate rest are high-chance practices related with substance misuse and car crashes. †(Dahl, 2002) Delayed rest may bother one’s circadian cadence, and further lead to deferred rest stage issue. Inadequate rest may cause passionate vacillation, which further influence your long range informal communication connections since being worn out typically implies being grouchy. Understudies for the most part believe that they are increasingly gainful around evening time, owever the fact of the matter is inverse. People aren’t used to stating up late, in the ideal circumstance, in view of an article from CNN Health, â€Å"we ascend in the first part of the day and after around 16 hours of attentiveness we are drowsy and we hit the hay and rest for eight hours†(Shives, 2010) Staying up just methods we think carefully so seriously in any event, when our cerebrums are prepared for a rest. During the weekdays, deferred rest and inadequate rest cause us to feel tired in the daytime, and it is hard for understudies to be packed in classes, at that point further influence students’ scholastic exhibitions. The advantages of resting early are self-evident. Heading to sleep early encourages us keep up the request for circadian beat and guarantees the nature of rest around evening time. In view of Dahl’s diary, â€Å"Sleep seems, by all accounts, to be especially significant during times of mind development. †(Dahl, 2002) Sleeping is the way toward reestablishing our cerebrum, we would be increasingly gainful, concentrated, and positive about our work during daytime. Resting early methods we can have additional time in the first part of the day. Changing and keep up rest plan is a persistent procedure. It is difficult to achieve all the progressions short-term. So as to effectively switch rest calendar to ideal circumstance, we ought to know the sound issues got from deferred rest, distinguish an objective conduct with an individual examination, set attainable and gradual objectives as time passes by, lastly reward your prosperity. Segment 2 As a lesser year college understudy at business college, both my scholarly and individual life have been caught up with, being gainful is one of the main considerations that let me endure. I regularly kept awake until late to complete work since I thought relinquishing rest made more opportunity for work, and afterward I could stay up to date with my calendar. Be that as it may, things just went in opposition to my desires. As a matter of first importance, remaining up shorted my rest time, which prompted deficient rest time. At that point I needed to utilize espresso to battle for weariness and sleepiness, however my efficiency despite everything kept low during classes. So as to make up for lost time what I left during the classes, I needed to invest more energy to concentrate outside. After I completed all my schoolwork, it was as a rule around 1 a. m. , yet the drag impact of caffeine kept me awakening around then. My day by day life was a horrendous winding and I discovered my body responses eased back down genuinely and intellectually, my movement was sick and even influenced the relationship with my better half. Along these lines, the primary explanation I’ve picked to rest early is expanding my efficiency and disposing of weakness and sluggishness without caffeine. So as to upgrade my rest plan, I sorted out a three-phase ta rget plan: The primary stage (3/30 to 4/15), I hit the sack at 12:00 a. m. what's more, woke up of course; the subsequent stage (4/15 to 4/30), I headed to sleep at 12:00 a. m. also, woke up thirty minutes ahead of schedule not surprisingly; the third stage (After 4/30), I hit the sack at 11:00 p. m. what's more, woke up one hour ahead of schedule. A large portion of a month has passed, despite the fact that I am in the subsequent stage, yet I do have a few advances that advantage for my day by day life. Setting a fixed chance to head to sleep drives me to deal with my time all the more successfully. In particular, resting early gives me more vitality in daytime, and now I can keep my cerebrum working without caffeine even I wake up thirty minutes ahead of schedule than previously. My efficiency is improving, and the greatest change is I can keep myself in the same spot with educator in addresses basically in light of the fact that I have enough vitality to think more and connect intellectually. By and by, things won’t change for the time being, and I do experience a few challenges during my conduct evolving. Up until this point, the greatest test has been my propensity for keeping awake in my sub-awareness. During weekdays, as long as my timetable becomes busy, I will have the expectation to defer rest break of propensity even those undertakings are not pressing; in ends of the week, parties are alluring for me and the majority of them last until late night. Be straightforward, I didn't meet my momentary objective multiple times up until now. Arriving at my definitive objective isn't simple, and I am executing a few methodologies ideally to keep myself progressing nicely. As a matter of first importance, I think isolating my arrangement into three momentary stages makes my arrangement as a consistent improvement that is simpler to achieve and urges me to continue; second, finding a change operator is significant. My better half is my change operator, and she has helped me to act with the standards I set intently. One preferred position of picking my better half as the specialist is I need to hear her out request since I would prefer not to annoy her. Despite the fact that I’ve not arrived at my definitive objective yet, some potential long haul advantages can be watched. As a matter of first importance, I will be progressively profitable in my scholastic execution. Resting early gives my body an ideal circadian musicality which gives me a high caliber and adequate rest around evening time. Subsequently, I will have rich of vitality to deal with my bustling college life. In addition, adequate vitality will empower me to adjust my scholastic life and individual life all the more sensibly, and afterward I will have an incredible enthusiasm to keep up my private relationship with my better half and my long range interpersonal communication. To wrap things up, adequate rest will give me a solid life that will be the highest establishment for my body wellbeing in my future life. Area 3 By inspecting my diary sections for the past a large portion of a month, in total, I followed my stage momentary objective in weekdays. Meeting the momentary objective in each stage is simpler in weekdays on the grounds that my class plan is generally fixed. All things considered, meeting the objective in ends of the week has been the troublesome part. As I referenced in the last segment, going to parties held in ends of the week last late made me out of my arranged track. Additionally, since I was utilized to keep awake until late for quite a while, now and again I despite everything consider remaining up is an approach to loosen up myself. Concerning the difference in enthusiastic procedure, at the earliest reference point, I even felt restless when I hit the hay without finishing my undertakings obviously, and this feeling obstructed me to nod off. Luckily, as I redesigned my errands need comparing to my ahead of schedule to bed plan, and that on edge feeling has not, at this point been an issue. The following is a preview of my following diagram. Cells with yellow filling demonstrate end of the week days, and times in red textual style show bombing achievements. Works Cited Lakc, L. C. (2010). Postponed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students. Diary of American College Health , 105. Dahl, R. E. (2002). Pathways to youthful wellbeing rest guideline and conduct. Diary of Adolescent Hleath , 10-11. Shives, L. (2010, 11 30). Get Some Sleep: Are you an evening person? Here’s why. Recovered 4 17, 2013, from CNN Health: http://thechart. sites. cnn. com/2010/11/30/get-some-rest evening person its-a-genuine condition/ The most effective method to refer to Early to Bed, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes initially showed up in 1887 in ‘A Study in Scarlet’. After four years, Sherlock Holmes developed to limits in prevalence on account of its arrangement of short stories in ‘The Strand Magazine’ in 1891. Over a hundred years after the fact, Sherlock Holmes stories are as yet being perused by a wide range of ages and societies. Be that as it may, why would that be? Why are individuals so ‘caught up’ in this arrangement of books and short stories? Is it due to the stories’ nail-gnawing plots? Or on the other hand is it in light of the charming characters that the creative Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has impeccably produced?Or is it both the plot and the characters? This is obviously, is a supposition question, and answers will change, however this is mine: During Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's life, he delighted in a significant level of prevalence for his tales about Holmes, even in nations other than England. Around then, his extraordi nary achievement would have been expected to Conan Doyle's phenomenal composing capacities, Holmes' incredible capacities of reasoning that could be utilized to tackle any wrongdoing, and the way that normal and destitute individuals of England and particularly London could seek Holmes for motivation, and as a national image of pride.But Conan Doyle composed these accounts longer than a century back. For what reason would they say they are still so famous today? Holmes turned into a symbol, his examination of Watson and others' propensities and exercises appeared to them, confounding, however to him it was â€Å"Elementary. †His deerstalker top, funnel, jacket, and amplifying glass came to represent criminologists and their craft through Sherlock Holmes' initial notoriety. What's more, basically, individuals appreciate a decent story, particularly a secret. In our advanced time of quick living, present day comforts, and mechanized wrongdoing and recognition, Sherlock Holmes speaks to the soul a prior, less difficult and progressively sentimental period. Maybe, as Watson was to him, Holmes is to us â€Å"the one fixed point in an evolving age. †[1] Clive Hopwood? Sherlock Holmes Illustrated copyright 1981 by World International Publishing Limited. Distributed in Great Britain. Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes previously showed up in 1887 in ‘A Study in Scarlet’. After four years, Sherlock Holmes developed to limits in prominence because of its arrangement of short stories in ‘The Strand Magazine’ in 1891. Over a hundred years after the fact, Sherlock Holmes stories are as yet being perused by a wide range of ages and societies. In any case, why would that be? Why are individuals so ‘caught up’ in this arrangement of books and short stories? Is it in view of the stories’ nail-gnawing plots? Or on the other hand is it on account of the engaging characters that the innovative Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has superbly produced?Or is it both the plot and the characters? This is obviously, is an assessment question, and answers will fluctuate, however this is mine: During Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's life, he appreciated a significant level of prominence for his anecdotes about Holmes, even in nations other than England. Around then, his incre dible achievement would have been expected to Conan Doyle's phenomenal composing capacities, Holmes' extraordinary capacities of conclusion that could be utilized to unravel any wrongdoing, and the way that normal and needy individuals of England and particularly London could seek Holmes for motivation, and as a national image of pride.But Conan Doyle composed these accounts longer than a century back. For what reason would they say they are still so mainstream today? Holmes turned into a symbol, his examination of Watson and others' propensities and exercises appeared to them, confusing, however to him it was â€Å"Elementary. †His deerstalker top, channel, jacket, and amplifying glass came to represent criminologists and their specialty through Sherlock Holmes' initial prevalence. Furthermore, basically, individuals appreciate a decent story, particularly a secret. In our advanced time of quick living, present day accommodations, and electronic wrongdoing and identificatio n, Sherlock Holmes speaks to the soul a prior, easier and increasingly sentimental period. Maybe, as Watson was to him, Holmes is to us â€Å"the one fixed point in an evolving age. †[1] Clive Hopwood? Sherlock Holmes Illustrated copyright 1981 by World International Publishing Limited. Distributed in Great Britain.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
5 stories about MIT
5 stories about MIT In my (high-school) senior spring, when I was almost sure I planned to enroll at MIT, I read obsessively about student life at MITthe research and academics are, of course, first-rate, but I wanted to know what it is really like to spend your days here. Linked below are a few stories that have stuck and relevant snippets of my own life. ([1][2][3][4][5] for quick access.) Note that these are not stories in the mythical urban-legend sense; they are testimonials about the trajectories that your life may take after coming to this curious place. 1. What is it like to burn out as a student at MIT? Heres a Quora answer about being asked to withdraw from MIT due to poor academic performance. The author describes attaching her sense of worth to academic performance, listening to her parents rather than herself, hiding all signs of struggle, and becoming less and less invested in classes during her time at MIT. Im not even sure why I took organic chemistry, since I was interested in math. My parents were pressuring me to be a premed and become a doctor (like them) so I guess I was trying to appease them. This all makes me a little nervous because I share a lot of qualities with the authors young selfI tend to appease my parents, recently got my first B ever, and skip class a lot. But its also comforting; it is possible to have a fulfilling life even if one does fail out of school (and your interests are academic rather than entrepreneurial, in which case I imagine it would be less of a big deal). Basically: academic failure is not the end of the world, even in the worst imaginable case. Though it ended up taking me 5 years to graduate from college, I can say now that failing out of MIT was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I realized that a person is NOT their grades. I realized how much my parents love me (and I never could have recovered without their support), and I think we finally understand each other. I finally discovered my passion in life, and now I get to put together my intense curiosity for biology with my love for math! 2. What was it like to have Junot Diaz as your creative writing professor at MIT? Read this. Just! read! it! If not the whole thing, at least this block quote: Having my writing teacher be someone whos experienced things, who encouraged us to write about what messed us up, to know the person who really wrote the type of stuff I read, to connect with my crazy genius classmates, to realize everyone has a billion secret selves, shifting between various identities, to draw aside the curtain to reveal our secret worlds, was personality-altering for me. In my math and CS classes, we talked about approximation algorithms, theory of mind, big O, BBN: the Problems of advancing science, problems we were solving, not the ugly worries of the lower realms, stuff with no reason, stuff that leads nowhere, base stuff you cant work on aside from letting it fade from the collective consciousness, subjective stuff that isnt truth the way other parts of understanding reality are Truth. Ignore that stuff, elevate beyond animal emotion, abhor politics, the path to the heavens through technology goes the complete opposite direction! I have few comments because it is an experience I have yet to live (but hope to, despite never really having written fiction). 3. How has your college decision impacted the rest of your life? This ones about the author changing major and becoming generally more comfortable with abandoning plans. MIT affected my attitude in a pretty big way. Before college, I would make long-term plans and carry them out with my head down, probably stuck in a book. (Ironically, one of those long-term plans was getting into MIT.) Beginning with my career shift in freshman year, I started changing my mind a lot more, started looking for new opportunities out of pure necessity, because I was no longer sure what I wanted to do. And the whole time, I marveled at how much luck I had that such-and-such happened, at how common it was that important milestones seemed to be incited by stupid luck. Simply being at MIT, of course, increased the probability of serendipity, and I suppose thats how you should describe the value of an MIT education in serendipities, not dollars. Last night, I visited pika with my friend Caroline M 18 and Michelle (the blogger (in other news, i just realized that i have no idea what is good form for referring to other bloggers in a blog post)), getting dressed for a party. Caroline was talking about how she had never been interested in her high school economics classes, and Michelle mentioned that she also hadnt anticipated her interest in economics. Im the sameI did not take a single econ class unti last spring, when I was surprised to find that I liked it. Yet Caroline is now contemplating switching to Course 14, Michelle is in Course 14, and I just filled out the application to pursue a secondary major in Course 14. If you are a senior in high school, dont trust your beliefs about what you will do with your life. It is also okay to not know where youre going (and thats something everyone says, so its not very comforting, i know. i certainly struggle with this a lotread any other blog post ive ever written, lol), but even the people who think they know probably dont know! 4. How do some people manage to take 6 classes at MIT? This person took 8 classes7 math classes and Chinese 3during his sophomore fall. I do not personally know anyone who has pulled this off successfully, and I am in awe at his diligence. He does not recommend it: I did psets on time but without understanding all the material in class, and just extracted the parts I needed for the psets (selective negligence). Having said this, I wouldnt recommend taking so many classes under any circumstances. While I survived the semester fine, it was a process of gradual burnout. I got As because I worked towards the requirements of the classes, and hell I learned a lot of material that term, but I didnt reach the kind of complete, conceptual understanding that forms a stable foundation for future classes. I think the effects of a 8-class semester are subtle and for me they came after rather than during the semester. Firstly, it got me into the mindset that classes, academics, grades were the most important, which has taken me two years to get out of. Second, theres a feeling that Id somehow fallen from a star, that that semester was the tip of my career and Id never be able to match up to myself back thenwhich is totally incorrect, because whatever career you choose, your success isnt measured by how much you can do psets handed to you on a plate, but rather on how well you apply your creativity, how well you make connections between subjects, and so forth. You tend to rely on academics as a sort-of pride because you havent done much else, and you hate yourself for doing it. You know you should place more value on more independent work, and on the experiences in college that arent at all related to academics, and you know that trying to be a tool is just a way to avoid trying to find out who you are as a person, but youve gone so far with just being stellar at academics that its hard to leave that path. I have a few friends and also a brother who often find themselves with six to seven classes a semester, get straight As, and do little besides. I always thought Id come to MIT and do exactly what my brother did, and it worked during my freshman yearI took three ASEs, finished my science GIRs during freshman fall, ended up five classes and an ASE on my transcript for freshman springand then I realized I didnt like computer science, I wanted a richer social life, I missed writing, I was focusing on speed rather than depth. So I changed the formula a little. I did not attempt six classes; I spent more time on extracurriculars and my social life. This semester, I tried again to center my life on coursework, but I have since backed out a little. I think Im no longer even capable of caring as much about grades as I did last year and in high school. Last week, I dropped a class for the first timeso Im now down from six to fiveand my life feels much more manageable. I mean, Im not sure Im placing enough value on independent work or that I have found out who I am as a person, but its a start. Its particularly confusing because Im almost certain I want to go to grad school, but Im pretty sure that still doesnt mean I should close all other avenues and focus singlemindedly on academics, even though I genuinely find my coursework enjoyable. Either way, I think things will be okay. 5. My MIT: What it’s like being a student in this strange place This is an essay by a grad student who found MIT intimidating prior to undergrad but fell in love with it during grad school applications. High school friends took me around the East Campus dorm (motto: “the weak shall be eatenâ€). People dyed their hair blue and walked around barefoot. The bathrooms were coed. People painted murals on the walls, built loft structures for their rooms, and engineered homemade fingerprint readers for their locks. “The undergrads here are intense,†a grad student whispered to me as I wandered the halls of the Infinite Corridor. “Come back for grad school.†Sage advice. Just seventeen and coming straight from a tiny all-girls prep school, I was not ready to commit to this nonconformity. I needed to see more of the rest of the world before I could choose who I wanted to intensely be. And so I spent the next four years at Harvard. I laughed when I read thisI found East Campus pretty terrifying as a prefrosh. So did a few of my friends who now live there or have lived there. Now it is home. I think it can be intimidating because there are few opportunities to encounter that kind of intensity outside of MIT, but most of us grow into it. What I love most about MIT is how much fun people have doing what they want, as hard as they want to. I once had an art teacher who said, “You know the kind of person whos just kind of there, not really going for it? You dont want your art to be that person. Go for it.†This applies not just to work, but also to lifestyle. and, because college admissions decision season is nearing, heres a bonus link to a page on the Harvard admissions site (blasphemous, I know): Professionals in their thirties and forties physicians, lawyers, academics, business people and others sometimes give the impression that they are dazed survivors of some bewildering life-long boot-camp. Some say they ended up in their profession because of someone else’s expectations, or that they simply drifted into it without pausing to think whether they really loved their work. Often they say they missed their youth entirely, never living in the present, always pursuing some ill-defined future goal. The general theme is that we dont really know what were doing, and maintaining a too-narrow focus on schoolwork or college admissions or future career often leads to unhappiness and burnout. On college admissions specifically: of course its easy to say this now that Ive already gotten into college, but I can still relate, because there is an ever-lengthening stream of applications and admissions processes ahead of me. Now its internship applications, and then after that grad school applications, job applications, grant applications, fellowship applications. You (and by you i mean i because im exceptionally bad at practicing what i preach on this front) cannot infinitely delay living your life for the sake of your resume or your transcript. With that said, I am pretty hosed right now and need to get to work on the four psets and short story I have due this week! Ha. ?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Physics of Stars Essay examples - 1046 Words
Stars are phenomenal glowing spheres that everyone has noticed in the night sky. Long ago they were poorly understood. Today, with the help from astronomers, physicists, and other space scientists, we have discovered a large amount of information about stars. These huge balls of flaming gas have many different ranges of characteristics. We can observe the many fascinating colors that may be displayed from stars. Some of them are not stars themselves, but the trillions of fragments left behind after they explode into supernova (Moreau, 2000). There is a huge variation in sizes of stars as well. They range from super giants to small dwarfs. Most often their sizes correlate to their age or the particular cycle they are beginning to†¦show more content†¦These two diagrams show the action of subatomic particles smashing into each other creating other elements and energy as a byproduct. Both of these pictures demonstrate the occurrence between the most common elements, hydrogen and helium, undergoing fusion. Sometimes when dealing with mathematical descriptions of specific phenomenon concerning stars the complexity may become intense. However, we will explore common occurrences and changes of stars that can be described by simple mathematical relationships. One primary occurrence between stars that are approaching their later stages is a reduction in their radius. This occurs when elements such as hydrogen and helium in the center of the star change into gaseous iron from electron exchanges and other processes. Eventually the star becomes very dense and the radius of the star is reduced. By the conservation of angular momentum in this case, the velocity must increase due to the decreased radius (Kippenhahn, 194-95). Lets do a calculation to show this. By the conservation of angular momentum we get this equation: Ii wi = If wf, where Ii is the initial moment of inertia, wi is the initial angular speed, and If and wf are the final products of what I just listed. The moment of inertia of a sphere is (2/5)mR^2, where m is the mass and R is the radius. Plugging these into the equation Ii wi = If wf, we get, (2/5)mRi^2 wi = (2/5)mRf^2 wf.Show MoreRelatedPhysics : Dark Matter, The Sun, Other Stars, And Galaxies1462 Words  | 6 Pagesincluding Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxies is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms (National Geographic, 2012). Astronomers use the term ‘baryonic’ to refer to all objects made of normal atomic matter, essentially ignoring the presence of electrons (Swinburne University, 2015). Baryons interact with each other through gravity, nuclear forces and the electrostatic force. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
`` What We Talk About When We Talking About Love `` By...
What is love? Love can come from that of a friendship, a romantic relationship, the unconditional love that God has for one, or simply one person adoring another. These are all considered, in one form or another, love. However, as Mel McGinnis has asked: â€Å"what do any of us really know about love?†(333). Is love real, or is it just a figment of our imagination? What does the word LOVE even mean? The indefinability of love is the overlaying theme in the story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,†written by Raymond Carver. This story focuses on the examples two couples, Mel and Terri, and their newlywed friends Laura and Nick, use to discuss the meaning of love. While sitting around a kitchen table drinking a bottle of gin, the two pairs discuss what love is as the day passes them by, and although they never reach a consensus, they do provide excellent examples allowing the reader to draw conclusions on the meaning of love. However, as the theme suggest s, no matter the amount of examples or time spent trying to figure it out, love can never be given one general definition because there are many different interpretations of what love actually is. This is a great take away point for college students to learn because college is where students are trying to find the meaning of love and life. Through characterizations and ironic situations, love can be broken down in to two different categories of unconditional and conditional love, and while this story mostly coversShow MoreRelatedWhat We Talking About When We Talk About Love By Raymond Carver1677 Words  | 7 PagesLove can be defined in many ways, but does anyone know the true meaning of it? In Raymond Carver’s short-story What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, he shows us the realism behind the true meaning of love with a menacing tone. This story particularly shows how different people may have different definitions of it that reflect who they are as a person by usi ng strangle dialogue given by the characters and situations that reveal symbolic items. From the ironic remarks and slight rebuttals inRead MoreThe Sojourner And What We Talking About When We Talk About Love By Carson Mccullers And Raymond Carver1291 Words  | 6 PagesIn the short stories title The Sojourner and What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, written by Carson McCullers and Raymond Carver respectively, the writers tell a story about love and its changing attitudes. The main characters in these stories all vary in regard to their personalities and their individual idiosyncrasies, however, the message being conveyed by McCullers and Carver is that of the changing nature of love, and how it can impact an individual’s sense of self in respect to how oneRead MoreRaymond Carver1583 Words  | 7 PagesRaymond Carver (1938-1988) was a poet and a simple realist writer of short stories. His prose addresses the average working-class citizen. Bill Mullen describes the book that contains the short story â€Å"What We Talk About We Talk About Love†to the â€Å"distinctly post-modern fate of contemporary working-class Americans†(Bloom). The writings are depressing and riddled with failures in life. The textbook calls his school of writing â€Å"Alcoholic Blue-Collar Minimalist Hyperrealism†(Bayam). This is evidentRead MoreImportance of Symbolism in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love1027 Words  | 5 Pagesmake. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a short story about four friends trying to find the true meaning of love, trying to prove points through experience. In What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Raymond Carver uses very strong symbolism to help convey the theme of the story. Instantly, it is easy to recognize that Carvers story will be one on love, since the title clearly mentions it. He introduces the characters, two married couples, who are having a discussion about loveRead MoreEssay about Raymond Carver (what We Talk About When We Talk About Love)892 Words  | 4 Pages Mel McGinnis of â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†seems like that one guy that everyone seems to know. He stands out from others; he’s unique. You either love him or hate him. Mel is very much like one of my good friends. They are both very individualistic and hey are both annoying drunks. They are both interesting characters though. I think the author Raymond Carver created the character Mel based off someone he knew. Carver created Mel for one reason or anotherRead MoreThe Many Sides of Dr. Melvin R. McGinnis1475 Words  | 6 PagesRaymond Carvers short story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†leaves the reader feeling as if they have sat down at the table with a bottle of Gin and experienced first hand the effects of alcoholism and depression. In the original version of this story the â€Å"Beginners†Carver carefully crafts the many sides of an alcoholic personality developing strong knowable characters. The fundamental personalities are left fairly intact from the original version. It should be noted that the feelingsRead MoreIt’S Interesting How Everyone Has A Differing And Personal1659 Words  | 7 Pagespersonal definition of love. Love is an indefinable heap of confusion. I guess I could say â€Å"in my opinion†, love is connection, trust, affection, and openness†¦love is the most extraordinary and satisfying expe rience that we can have as human beings. At some points in our life we will all experience love whether it’s for a human being or maybe just for your dog. Why is this question so hard to answer? I perceive love in a positive way but on the other hand Raymond perceives love differently. That’s okayRead MoreEssay on Raymond Carvers What We Talk About When We Talk About Love1355 Words  | 6 PagesLove is undoubtedly one of the most frequently explored subjects in the literary world. Whether the focus is a confession of love, criticism of love, tale of love, or simply a tale about what love is, such literary pieces force readers to question the true meaning and value of love. Raymond Carver accomplishes this in his short story â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.†As the unadorned setting and the personality of each character unfold, the reader realizes that Carver is making a graveRead MoreThe Complexity of Love in Raymond Carver’s What W e Talk About When We Talk About Love520 Words  | 2 Pagesto get wrapped up talking about is love. And it always has been. In Raymond Carver’s â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,†the four characters spend an entire afternoon discussing the simple word that has countless interpretations. Carver uses this story to convey how not everyone shares the same definition of love. He uses Mel, Terri, and Nick and Laura to show just a few of the ways love can be seen, expressed, or develops through stages. Mel McGinnis views love in a handful of differentRead MoreEssay about Cathedral Character Analysis1414 Words  | 6 Pagesthe story Cathedral, by Raymond Carver, the narrator is conflicted with issues of inner-demons that are manifested in a blind man whom he perceives as a danger to his marriage. The narrator in this story is a good example of an anti-hero showing negative characteristics while never actually being a bad guy. This gives the idea that he is very humanistic character. That being said, he is a flawed character who is just trying to please his wife while not giving up what he wants. In the end he realizes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Civilization Free Essays
The success of a civilization is determined by the excellent education system and excellent education system dominated by an excellent range of teachers. In general, it is believed that the aims of producing outstanding and dedicated teachers are determined by the quality of teacher training program. No doubt it is important to assess how the quality of teacher training program provided by an institution could affect the teachers’ preparation before performing duties as a teacher soon. We will write a custom essay sample on Civilization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Recognizing the importance of quality teacher training program need to be provided to prospective teachers, this study is conducted to examine the effectiveness of teacher training program of Diploma In Early Childhood Education offered by Institute of Early Years Development, Damansara Perdana, Selangor. This diploma program is offered for 2 years and 6 months of lectures including 2 months (1 month at nursery and one month at kindergarten) practical training at the end of lectures. THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this research is to examine students’ perceptions towards the quality of syllabus and course content in the diploma program of early childhood education (DECE) and how this program could improve the preparation of students to become quality teachers in the field of early childhood education. The evaluation will focus on how materials, assignment, exams and learning experience during the period of study undertaken could help students prepared to become as an educator in this field. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of the research are: 1. Examine effectiveness of teacher training program of Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE) to prospective teachers 2. Identify additional requirements needed to improve the quality of program RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What are the students’ perceptions on the quality of the course content of the program? 2. What are the students’ perceptions on the quality of teaching of this program? 3. What additional requirements needed to improve the quality of program? RESEARCH DESIGN Methodology used for this research is using quantitative study with cross-sectional survey. Sample population for this study consisted of students who are currently enrolled in a Diploma in Early Childhood Education at Institute of Early Years Development (IEYD). Population of the study consisted of 300 active students that are currently enrolled at institute and sample total of 169 students is selected using random selection to choose sample from the population. The instrument used for study is questionnaire. Appendix A : Sample Questionnaire 1) Matrix number : ____________________________ 2) What were your reasons for taking this course? _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3) What is your current class standing? : _______________________________ Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 4) The syllabus clearly described the course content. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 5) The syllabus clearl y defined assignments. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 6) The syllabus clearly described class activities. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 7) Course assignments were at an appropriate level of difficulty. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 8) The instructor was good at facilitating class discussion. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 9) The instructor treated all students fairly. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 10) The size of the class was appropriate. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 11) The textbooks and other readings appropriately covered the course content. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 12) The instructor effectively used the textbooks and readings to teach the course. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 13) The current textbooks should continue to be used. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 14) I would recommend this course to other students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 15) I would recommend this instructor to other students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree 16) I have a stronger interest in this subject because of this course. How to cite Civilization, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Auditing Revenue Recognition
Question: Discuss about the Auditing for Revenue Recognition. Answer: Introduction: The word Audire from the Latin, for Audit means to say to listen. The business always started with generating profit and is related with huge transactions involving cash and bank and will involve lot of other transactions like revenue, sales, expenses like depreciation, etc. The Auditor is appointed with an objective to crosscheck various entries related to cash and bank and also expenses and income which has either relation with cash and bank only as the total world business runs on either cash or bank as all transactions are on the basis of cash and bank and there is no other ways and means to deviate from here. The Auditors main duty is to detect if any fraudulent activities are taking place or not in the business. Also to check the entire human resource of the company is fraud free or not. If any fraudulent activities are found then they are required to take appropriate measures to rectify the same1. The auditors job is related with the following: To verify all guidelines, rule and regulations, standard operating procedures, etc of the company. To detect and demonstrate all its detection of financial information to all stakeholders. To verify the procedures and methods followed by each department as formulated by the company2. To find out any manipulations, mistake or misrepresentations of any vital information is made in the business by any employees. To bring in the new guidelines on the basis of the findings and the detection done and to prepare a detailed report on such discoveries. The auditor is always to find the loopholes in the functioning of the business and any mistakes, fraudulent activities have taken place in the business and the management is aware of it then the auditors duty is to highlight this to all the stakeholders in their report and to make it rectified totally so that such acts are not performed in future in the greater interest of the business and all the investors2. About QQQ Limited The company is in the business of the Airlines and customers who travel by air. Their revenue has dropped by 6% and their advance revenue also dropped by 11% and the depreciation also dropped by 5%. Explain why the revenue from passenger accounts in the income statement is at significant risk of fraudulent financial reporting by management3. a) The management always target to show very high earnings but if the cost is not recovered from the operations and from the revenue earned then the business will tend to go for losses. The management always looks into this as a bad sign and try to find ways and means to cover such losses in different types of manipulation of accounts by making adjustments in various types in the incomes and the expenses. The most effective manipulation can be done in the process in the areas of revenue, advance revenue, and expenses like depreciation which is of very big nature in an airline industry as the planes value is very high[2]. The revenue and the advance revenue is shown reduced to show its stakeholders that the business is not going good and as also the depreciation is reduced means the reduction in depreciation means reduction in substantial expense which will result in drop in total expense but as the revenue and the advance revenue is reduced by 6% and 11% respectively that means the prof it will be reduced in the long run and the business will like a loss making thus making it bankrupt and no more workable. This is nothing but sheer fraud to reduce revenue, advance, revenue and depreciation which also means that the value of total assets will not actually reduce instead it will show the profit to jump due to less expense but it all depends on actual figures in an airline business. Describe a relevant and practical internal control to address the fraud risk described in (a) above. Explain how the internal control will minimize the risk of b) The main target of the auditor is to prepare a list for their audit job is to detect fraud and manipulation and find ways to correct and to put in place an internal control through this process as described as per ASA-240 are as follows: First to understand the nature of business. Next to understand the human resources including the management of the company. Then to make a detailed list of dos and donts for the audit team to follow during the time of audit[3]. Then to find out the detailed list of all books of accounts and other books and records maintained by the whole company. Then to start planning for checklist for each and every department according to their job profile. Then to start planning for making counter verification with other parties and stakeholders if required to verify certain transactions in which they may have doubts and needs further clarification from third parties like bank, investors, suppliers, shareholders, creditors, debtors, ex-employees, ex-management people, etc3. Next to have a list for collection of evidence of large amount transactions. Then to do a list planning for making the random checking to find if the internal audit system is placed well enough to detect any problem at all. Then to prepare for steps to be taken if any fraud, mistake, manipulations, misrepresentations, etc are located. Finally to prepare a detailed findings report for the entire stakeholders to take note of. The management is to keep strict internal control and the entire business setup needs to be kept in strict guideline as per the advice of the auditor. The internal auditors and the external auditors need to start the reconciliation of the entire process of checking and rechecking of the entire operations in detail. The control requires being very specific and guided by both the management and the auditors. Reference Auditor's Perspective: An Interview with Mike Schamberger, Assurance Partner at Grant Thornton LLP, (October, 14 2010) Maire Loughran, WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU AUDIT REVENUE, (October, 14 2010) AICPA, Revenue Recognition, (October, 14 2010) PCAOB, PCAOB Issues Staff Audit Practice Alert on Auditing Revenue in Light of Frequently Observed Significant Audit Deficiencies,, (October, 14 2010) Pwc, Revenue recognition: Effectively managing accounting change, (October, 14 2010) [1] Auditor's Perspective: An Interview with Mike Schamberger, Assurance Partner at Grant Thornton LLP 2, (October, 14 2010) Maire Loughran, WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN YOU AUDIT REVENUE, (October, 14 2010)
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Everyday Use Heritage free essay sample
Almost all ethnicities preserve culture, heritage and or tradition that they cherish and pass down to the next generation. Heritage and tradition can be expressed in any form the ethnicity chooses to use Some cultures use food as a way to express. For instance, in my Arabian culture, we like to cook mostly with grains. A popular grain dish is couscous. It consists of grains made from semolina. Just as food is a big part of culture and heritage, it is not limited solely to food.Most cultures use objects to symbolize what their culture represents. In African American culture, the arts, literature, agricultural skills, food, music, language, and clothing styles have been contributed and passed down to the descendants by the first generation African Americans that came to America. For many years language has been passed down and has evolved in the form known to Americans today as Ebonies. Music is another form of culture which has continued to exist through what society knows as rap, hip hop, and rhythm blues. We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use: Heritage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another big part of African American culture is food. The cultivation and use of many agricultural products In the United States such as yams, aunts, rice, okra, sorghum, grits, watermelon, Indigo dyes, and cotton, which can be traced to African influences. African American foods reflect creative responses to racial and economic oppression. Under slavery, African Americans were not allowed to eat better cuts of meat, and after Emancipation many often were too poor to afford the better cuts.Soul food, a hearty cuisine commonly associated with African Americans in the South, but also common among blacks nationwide, makes creative use of Inexpensive products procured through farming and subsistence hunting and gushing. Pig Intestines are boiled and sometimes battered and fried to make chitterlings. or chitins_ Many of these food traditions are especially predominant in many parts of the rural South. One main problem with heritage is that it can be easily forgotten or misused.In Alice Walkers short story, Everyday use the importance of heritage is depicted through Mama, who believes that heritage should be handed down and implemented in their lives, Maggie who believes that it should be implemented as well, and Dee who believes that heritage should be showcased eke art. Mama Is the mother of two dissimilar daughters, Dee and Maggie. Walker from the get go, portrays Mama sticking to her cultural roots by the way the narrator describes Mama. In Real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough man- working hands. (103) and from this quote, one can see Mama as a hard worker. This shows the link between her and the first generation African Americans that were put into slave labor. By Walker using the words man-working hands can be linked to hands of the slave workers In the late seventeen hundreds and early eighteen hundreds. When working with wooden scythe, It was very common for calluses to develop on a workers hand. Being that Mama is portrayed to being a hands on worker, she stays true to her heritage when Walker describes Mama with those man- working hands.Another way Mama is seen incorporating her heritage into her daily life is through work ethics. In the first paragraph of Everyday Use Mama is outdoors, sweeping clean her yard, which also served as the narrator mentions, an extended loving room. It Is clearly shown that Mama still applies her African inserted into the topic. When relating to African heritage, hunting has been a big art of ancient African heritage, even dating back to the tribal days. The narrator does a great Job in connecting the ancient African heritage, to the present day with Mama.The narrator draws the link when she describes Mama being able to, l can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire in minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. (103). The narrator is able to draw a clear image of Mama going back into her heritage. Mama sakes a clear belief on what heritage is and means, when both Dee and Maggie, the daughters, want to keep the quilts. Mama promises Maggie that she can have the quilts when she gets married to John Thomas. Maggie wants to be able to use the quilts, Just like Mama believes. Mama makes the clear when she says, l reckon she would. God knows I been shavings enough with nobody using them (108) Mama believes that heritage should be used and appreciated. Walkers character, Mama, seems to have a strong role in Everyday Use. Through out the short story, she is shown to represent African heritage itself.One can even argue that Mama is the mother land of her familys heritage. Mama holds true to her African heritage. She works like the Africans worked during slave labor and shes able to hunt her food and cook it. Along with Mamas hold on heritage, Maggie also holds true to her African heritage. Maggie shares the same beliefs as Mama does through out Everyday Use. A characteristic that Africans expressed during the late eighteen hundreds is humbleness. As history allows us to remember, slaves were not able to talk back to their owners.Maggie shows the same characteristic a few times in Walkers short Tory. The narrator first introduces this characteristic when Maggie is being described as to being, perhaps a dog run over by some careless rich peritonitis is the way my Maggie walks. She has always been like this, chin down on chest, eyes on ground feet in shuffles (104). The way the narrator presents the character, one can already see that she is a humble child. Maggie shows even more similarity later on in the short story when both Maggie and Dee want to keep the quilt.Maggie wants to keep the quilts, but seeing that her sister wants them more, she goes back to her mumble roots when she tells Mama, She [Dee] can have them, Mama. I can Member Grandma Dee without the quilts (108) Walker shows that Maggie fully understands her heritage. Maggie is able remember her heritage without any symbols or objects; this shows that Maggie and Mama are both able to remember and preserve the heritage either with or without any objects. With Mama and Maggie both sharing the same beliefs on heritage, Dee shows that have a different view on what heritage is and how it should be expressed.Dee is very different then both Maggie and Mama when it comes to heritage. Unlike Mama, who wears simple clothing like overalls, Dee is first introduced wearing a flashy yellow dress with big sunglasses that hid everything above the tip of her nose and her chin (109). Dee believes that her heritage should be used to be an incentive towards her upcoming success. The narrator shows Dee doing this when she gets home, Out she peeks next with a Polishers never takes the picture edge of the yard she snaps it and me [Mama] and Maggie and the house. (104) Dee is trying to use her heritage, to show how her background is, and her upbringing was cough when living in the condition she had to grow up in. Believing that Dee should do more to express her heritage; she decides to changer her name to Hangers Leaning Joanne. When asked why she did this by Mama, Dee replies with, l couldnt bear it any longer, being named after the people that oppress me. (106). Thinking that this will bring her closer towards her heritage, she forgets the name Dee has been part of her family, being able to date it back to their great grandmother.The major difference between the appreciations of heritage arises hen both Maggie and Dee want the quilts. When Dee asked to have the old quilts, Mama offered her to take the others. Dee replies with, No, I dont want those. They are stitched around the borders by machine. (108) thinking that the machine stitch will not make the quilts look as authentic as would the hand stitched ones. Dee believes that heritage should be showcased as if they are art work. Dee does not seem to understand that heritage should be used and be passed down to the next generation, like Maggie and Mama do. The two opposite views between Mama andMaggie, and Dee, on heritage shows that it is plausible that both are expressing heritage, rather the quilts are being used or hung, both are accepting and expressing their heritage. Mama and Maggie hold on to the heritage and live it almost like their ancestors did. Dee holds on to heritage, but wants to convey her heritage in a way that people of her kind and other ethnicities can admire and see how her heritage has evolved. Rather you use objects that signify your heritage, or express is as art, you still stay true to root of tradition, tradition which means to hand down or to hand over.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Cenozoic Era Essays
The Cenozoic Era Essays The Cenozoic Era Paper The Cenozoic Era Paper Essay Topic: Equus The Cenozoic Era, which describes the period 65 million years ago (mya) to the present, is a very phase in evolution because it involved the emergence of a variety of species from plants, arthropods, fishes, reptiles and mammals. This era is characterized to have the mammals as the biggest terrestrial animals because the dinosaurs had already gone extinct during the earlier Mesozoic era. The Cenozoic era is divided into two periods, namely the Tertiary Period, which covers 65 to 1.8 mya, and the Quaternary Period, which ranges from 1.8 mya to the present time. The Tertiary Period is further subdivided into five epochs. Archaeological findings have revealed that the oldest primate fossils, which were unearthed in Morocco, were dated to be 60 million years old thus placing the emergence of this species in the Paleocene Epoch.  This starts right after the disappearance of the dinosaurs (65 mya) and runs until 53 mya, is characterized by the diversification and multiplication of nocturnal mammals which earlier were hiding from the dinosaurs to avoid predation. These small nocturnal mammals thus evolved into bigger animals and changed their life cycles from simple night foragers into the diurnal animals. In addition, the birds, plants and other animal species grew in number because of the absence of the predatory dinosaurs. The early arboreal primate species, or proto-primates, that emerged during this epoch were morphologically similar to lemurs and tarsiers, including the adaptation of hands that were composed of five digits of which one was an opposable thumb. The proto-primates were small in size, similar to that of squirrels and tree shrews. These primate species had also adapted stereoscopic vision, large brains and nails to replace claws. Taxonomical classification of the proto-primates positions them under the genus Altiatlasius. The next primates that emerged occurred during the Eocene Epoch, which runs from 54 to 37 mya. This epoch is characterized by the emergence of the grass plants that served as a new food source for herbivores. Such change facilitated the adaptation of grazing mammals such as those of the Equus family in the prairies and savannas. Flowering plants and trees also started to flourish during this epoch. The proto-primates included the prosimians, such as the lemurs and tarsiers, and these primates started to spread out to the rest of the areas around the world as they further evolved into approximately 60 genera. Taxonomy has classified these genera into two families, the Adapidae which include the lorises and lemurs and the Omomyidae, for the tarsiers. The significant diversification of the prosimians must have been due to the absence of competition for resources because the bigger primates did not yet exist at the time. The prosimians are characterized by large eyes and brains and thin snouts. The bone structure of prosimians show a new structure at the base of the skull called the foramen magnum. This hole provides a passage for the spinal cord to pass from the brain and this facilitates the position of the entire body, from the horizontal axis, which is observed among grazing animals, to the vertical axis for standing erect (Ackermann RR, 2007). Due to changes in the climate, the prosimian species decreased in number and reached extinction by the end of the Eocene Epoch. The first species of monkeys then emerged during the Oligocene Epoch, as suggested by fossil records that were collected from the Fayum area in Egypt. These monkeys are taxonomically classified under the suborders Anthropoidea, Apidium and Aegyptopithecus. The Oligocene Epoch, which extended from 34 to 23 mya, features the emergence of new mammalian species and the temperature deciduous forests. The early species of large animals such as the elephants and rhinoceros increased in size and the first primate species such as the monkeys, apes and human emerged. Most of the fossils from ape species come from the Miocene Epoch, thus suggesting the apes evolved from the earlier monkey species (Andrews and Kelley, 2007; Suwa et al., 2007). The Miocene Epoch, which runs from 23 to 5 mya, is typified by the selection and spreading out of large herbivores such as the cattle and deer. It is also during this time that the modern horses, deer and birds emerged. The Pliocene Epoch, which extends from 5.3 to 1.8 mya, is characterized by the emergence of the modern mammals and the cooling and drying of the climate just like what is observed in our present time. The change in the climate resulted into the shrinkage of tropical forests and leaving these only to exist in areas that are close to the equator. Primates follow a certain social structure that is specific to their locale. Primates have been observed to live in a certain niche and migration is rarely an occurrence. These species also show some protection towards their area and show aggression if they perceive that another species or primates from other area are attempting to infiltrate their group. Thus, interactions between primates of different groups that live in different areas are not common. Interestingly, chimpanzees are an exception to this primate social behavior because these particular primates tend to be friendly with other primate species that come from other areas or groups. In the forest, this primate defense behavior for territory is a featured that has been observed by primatologists. Six social patterns have been described to exist among primates (Chalyan and Meishvili, 2007). These include a single female primate and her progeny, one male primate with several females, a monogamous primate family, a polyandrous primate family, a multi-male and multi-female primate group and a fission-fusion primate group. The monogamous primate family can be employed as a model for our human ancestors because it is composed of a typical human family consisting of a father, mother and children. Just like humans, the monogamous primate family pattern let their offspring leave upon completion of their development so that they could put up their own monogamous primate family. I would like to design and develop a conservation program to save the great apes of Africa that involves a number of goals. Firstly, I would like to stop the poaching and exportation of great apes from the tropical forests. I am aware that the unlawful capture and killing of these apes has been uncontrolled and I would like to establish severe punishment to those who are caught abusing these precious primates. Secondly, I will propose that a sanctuary be identified and that perimeter fences that are highly sensitive to any human interference will be detected. The jungles of Africa are huge hence there will be a need to employ a large group of people to help out in manning the perimeter of these particular areas. Thirdly, I would propose that deforestation be stopped because the cutting down of trees in Africa affects the ecological balance of the area. The decrease in trees will directly mean a shortage of food resources for the great apes. Thus deforestation influences the great apes to migrate to other areas and this migration may make them more susceptible to capturing and killing (Walsh et al., 2003).
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Proctor & Gamble Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proctor & Gamble - Case Study Example Both top and bottom line products suitable for these counties should be developed more by P & G. The company should think about merger and acquisition strategies to create new business in these countries. P&G has 300 plus brands sold in more than 180 countries at the moment. Even though majority of these brands are performing well, some of them are performing below par. The company has 22 billion-dollar brands and 19 half-billion-dollar brands (P & G Media kit, p.4). 70 to 80 brands account for 90 percent of P&G sales and 95 percent of its profit (Monk). In other words, around 100 brands perform insignificantly for P & G. P & G believes that the time and efforts given for the sustainment of these underperforming brands can be better utilized for the development of better performing brands. In my opinion, P & G’s strategy will be successful since the closure or the restructuring of underperforming brands would help the company to allocate more resources to the better performing brands and thereby monopolize concerned markets. Therefore, investors need not worry too much about the brand restructuring strategies of P& G. A.G. Lafley is the Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Procter & Gamble. It is believed that Lafley was rehired mainly because of the inefficiency of Robert McDonald, the predecessor of Lafley. Under the leadership of McDonald, the company failed to win in emerging markets because of its poor organizational structure, marketing problems, and bloated overhead (Nisen). Lafley on the other hand is believed to be an expert in increasing company value through various strategies. His leadership style is highly motivating and his business principles are highly effective in modern day market. His book â€Å"playing to win†helps organizational leaders to learn some important lessons about the importance of every day actions, and strategies built
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
MARKETING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
MARKETING - Assignment Example hey are planned to help bring relief to working families at the start of the new school year, and also to encourage people to shop in their local stores and spend money. This study looked at the customers and their view of the tax holiday. It aimed to find out if the tax holiday influenced the decision to shop or not, and to identify what kind of customers were most influenced. The research approach used was a survey and there is a copy of the questionnaire attached to the article. It has two parts. The first part contains demographic questions, and the second part contains Mall questions. The questions are very simple, mostly requiring only a few words, and the second part uses two questions with 7 point Likert scale. The sample size is 710 shoppers entering a shopping mall in 2004. The contact method used is defined as â€Å"mall intercept survey†which means that university students were used as researchers to distribute the survey. They intercepted the shoppers and asked them to complete the questions. There was a small $3 dollar voucher reward for completing the study. Because of the nature of the shoppers in Texas, the survey was available in English and Spanish. Mogab, John W. and Pisani, Michael J. â€Å"Shoppers’ Perceptions of the State Sales Tax Holiday: A Case Study from Texas.†American Journal of Business, Fall 2007, 22 (2) pp. 45-56. Available online at:
Monday, January 27, 2020
Management Case Study: Coca Cola Company
Management Case Study: Coca Cola Company Cola-Cola Company Roadmap starts with their mission, which is long-term. It declares their function as a company and serves as the standard against which their weight of action and decisions. The mission of Coca-Cola Company is to refresh the world, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness, to create value and make a difference. Vision Vision serves as the framework for Coca-Cola Company Roadmap and guides every part of the business by describing what they need to achieve in order to continue achieving sustainable quality growth. People, be a large place to work where people are encouraged to be the best they can be. Portfolio, bring to the world a portfolio of excellence beverage brands that expect and persuade peoples desires and needs. Partners, nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together they create communal, enduring value. Plane, be a responsible resident that makes a special by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit, maximize long-term return to shareholder while being aware of their general responsibilities. Productivity, be a highly successful, bend and fast moving organisation. Coca-Cola products Coca-Cola companies have a very narrow products range which are Coca-cola, Sprite and Fanta. Those products are sold in the market with a difference size of bottles which are 250ml, 300ml, 1liter and 1.5liter pet. Working as a Global Team Coca-Cola companies built around two core assets, its brands and its people. Thats what makes working at Coca-Cola so special. They believe that work is a place that the employer need go every day. It should be a place of exploration, creativity, professional growth and interpersonal relationships. Its about being inspired and motivated to achieve extraordinary things. They want people to take pride in their work and in building brands others love. After all, its the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and passion of our people that make us who we are. Coca-Cola Company has 92,800 associates around the world live and works in the markets. They serve more than 87 percent of them outside the United State. In the geographically diverse environment, they learn from each market and share those learns quickly. As a result, Coca-Cola Company culture is ever more collaborative. From beverage concept and development to merchandising, Coca-Cola associates are sharing concept across departments and markets in new ways. Consequently, Coca-Cola associates are increasing enthusiastic about their work and inspired to turn plans into action. With a portfolio of more than 3,300 list of product, from diet and regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as 100 percent fruit juices and fruit drinks, waters, sports and energy drinks, teas and coffees, and milk-and soy-based beverages, Coca-Cola Company variety spans the globe. Management Function PLANNING Definition Planning is the process of setting goals, developing strategic, outlining tasks and then deciding how best to accomplish them. As a result of the planning process, everyone in the organization knows what should be done, who should do it, and how it should be done. It is a detailed programmed regarding future course of action. Plan also a blueprint specifying the resource allocations, schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals. It defining goals and then determining the activities and resources required to achieve them. Planning can be difference of type, an organisation can classify some of the important types of plans which are the financial and non financial plans, formal and informal plans, specific and routine plans, strategic and functional plans, long range and short range plans and the last administrative and operational plans. Planning function is important to the managers, managers need to plan so that the worker activities are consistent with the organisatio n goals and the correct type and amount of resources also can be acquired. A planning function requires information, judgment and decision making. Theories According to Dror (1974), he says that planning is the process of preparing a set of decision for action in future, directed at achieving goals. According to Professor Stoner (1997), he says that planning is of establishing objectives and appropriate courses of action before taking action. According to Archibugi (2008), say that planning is a method of making rational decision; a method that is, to some extent, common to many areas. Real Practice For a Coca-Cola company, planning is very important to them because according to Joel Ross and Michael Kami theory, they think that an organisation without the strategy planning is like a ship without a rudder, going around the circle. Its like a tramp that is no place to go to. Strategic planning, implementation and formulation are the core management function. One of the biggest factors for determining whether the organisation performs up to its potential or not is the extent to which the management team performs, the strategy making and strategic implementing function. Coca-Cola organisation thinks that only the good strategic and good implementations are the most trustworthy proof of good management. A strategic plan is the bridge of the future, which an organisation uses to lead from what it is to what it envisions it can become. Planning also can be a future course of action. Planning is concerning itself with look forward into the future and determining the vision, mission and objective of the project or program. Vision is that provides the overall frame of reference within which mission statements are written and goals selected. It also is the desired future state of organization. According to Peter F. Drucker, objectives are essential in all the key areas where performance and results directly contribute to the growth and survival of a business. The vision of the Coca-Cola organisation is to become the best and the biggest anchor bottler in the world. They mission are to refresh the world, to create value and make a difference everywhere they engage. In the Coca-Cola organisation, most of the goals setting and planning activities are handling by the top management. The top manager had set three objectives for the Coca-Cola organisation. The objectives of Coca-Cola can be classified as the strategic goals, tactical goals and operational goals. Strategic goals are statements of what an organisation wish to achieve over the period of the strategic plan likes over the next years, next five years. The strategic goals are considered when company is thinking of the long-term objectives. This strategic goal is set up by the top management with consultation by the parent company head quartered at Singapore. The top managers have to make sure that they are in line with the changing environment that they have to review in the annual meeting every year. This goals is to make sure that Coca-Cola company can continue provide the quality products to the valuable customers, to project an outstanding corporate and try to satisfy the customer through extra ordinary service and an excellent service along with the complete tactical and operational support. The managers also need to select and retain in professional people for the organisation. Another, the tactical goals which are define the outcomes t hat major divisions and departments must achieve for organization to reach its overall goals. The top managers of the Coca-Cola Company on an annual basis devise these goals together with the consultation of the lower level employees. After that, each departmental director have to subdivide the annual tasks on the quarterly or monthly basis to have a proper check to make sure that these objectives are achieved mainly through the marketing after the annual tasks is given. For this year, managers need to ensure that Coca-Cola can increase the revenue by 20% of the compared last year and increase the total retail customer around 10%. They also have to increase the market share by 5% and 30% of the reactivate the discounts of customers. Last, the operational goals which is that the managers set to ensure that each employees can achieve their own goals and told what are expected of them and then they are evaluated on the basis of certain rules and regulations followed evenly by theÂà ‚ company. This operational goals may arise some issue which is some fresh salesman cannot reach their goals so the managers need to ensure that the salesmen can find the new customer, retain existing one and bring back the discontinued accounts by giving them some training. In addition, planning is vital in making management decisions. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker and it is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them. A bad decision making will have a bad result so a good manager must good in decision making, they have to must sure that every decision they make is good for the organisation. The decision making process in the Coca-Cola company is centralized. There are six step in the decision making of the Coca-Cola company which are recognize need to make decision, generate alternatives, assess the alternatives, choose among alternatives, implement choose and last the learn from feedback. In Coca-Cola company, decision which always takes by the top manager can related to the packaging positioning, trade discounts, advertisement, price reductions and distribution. So as a conclusion of planning, planning is the first tool of the four functions in the management process. It is rightly said Well plan is half done. Compare to the theory and real practice, both of them are concerning with the future action which is how to achieve the organisations goals with those objectives that are setting up by the managers. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager lies within the planning procedure. So for me, a successful manager should have a planning skill for achieve the organisations goals. ORGANISING Definition Organising is one of the four managerial functions which focus on allocating and arranging human and non-human resources so that the plans can be carried out successfully. It also means constructing an organisational structure that is compatible for the accomplishment of the agreed purposes, lines of authority, and responsibility defined, and a system of rules and procedures which lead the performance of subordinates lay down. Organising is how the plan will be carried out so the goal is achieve. Once a plan is planned, the next step in the progression is to agree on which individuals will need to be include, who will be in charge, who will keep individuals held responsible, and what resources will be necessitate, who will be in charge for getting those resources, who will keep an eye on the progress? Those phases are all part of the organising process in the project. Hence, organising is next to planning because once the plan is planned, the next natural move in the progressions is to get organised so the plan comes to fruition. Organising is also the talent of receiving people who do not work for you to realise things. As a conclusion, organising refers to the categorising of activities and possessions in a reasonable way. Theories According to Chester I. Barnard (1886-1961), the acceptance theory of authority, which states that people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders. An order is acceptable if the subordinate understand it, is able to comply with it, and views it as appropriate given goals of the organisation. According to Chester I. Barnard (1888-1961), organization allows people to achieve what they could not achieve as individuals. REAL PRACTISE Base on the basis functional approach, Coca-Cola Company is divided into different departments in the real practice. Individuals who possess the same on the basis of common skills and work activities are grouped together. This method helps the company in attaining the economies of scale through high excellence of problem solving and lesser needs of guidance of the subordinates. Coca-Cola Company is leaded by the General Manager. There are a total of five mainly departments at Coca-Cola Company which are Production department, Industrial Relation department, Sales and Marketing department, Human Resources department, and Finance and Accounting department. Each department has their own functions and responsibility toward the company. Production department is in charge for the overall production of the Coca-Cola Company. Industrial Relations department is in charge for handling with problems connected to the operational surroundings of the staff and the matter linked to the labor unions . Sales and Marketing department is accountable for the producing the goods obtainable in the market and to deal with the problems associated to the advertisements of the goods. Human Resources department is in charge for looking the proficient pool of workers, choosing the professionals and make them pleased so that they should remain faithful to the company. Finance department deals with overall costing and pricing of the goods. They also deal with the trade in correlated concern of the company. Accounting department lend a hand to the sales department in making bill of lading and payroll entries. Example hierarchy of Departmentalisation for Coca-Cola Company: Figure : The departments under the General Manager of Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola Company each executive is made in charge for only a specific role that he or she expertise as the work specialisation is important. Each salesman is encountering different type of individuals as there is no tediousness or repetitiveness. The job is tough and promotions are based on performance. The executive of Coca-Cola Company receives report from the Salesman. These Sales Managers are in charge for the performances of the salesmen which they need to provide them timely comment. Assistances are requiring to be provided by Sales Manager at any time and it is a problem connected to the performance of the staff. The administrators keep an eye on an on-going basis toward these salesmen which serves as an efficient managing mechanism. The staffs have a lot of power, liability and information relative to the job that they are responsibility Nevertheless, every part of the information and authority relative to the work is provided by their individual supervisors. These procedure s are the similar in the other subdivisions as well. Figure Coca-Cola Company each executive is made held responsible for the actions of his or her underlings. An accurate advices and assistance is given at time to time to attain the purpose by the particular executives. Every supervisor is responsible for motivating their juniors so as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the staffs apart from the delegation. Human Resources department lend a hand staff so they could recognise their potential and uses various technique to encourage them. In return, they offer the most excellent to their supervisor. Thus boost their performance, excellence of work and consumer satisfaction. The span of control is the amount of staff who report directly to a prearranged Coca-Cola Company supervisor. It is most excellent to have a minimum of 3 staff and a maximum of 5 staff reporting to their supervisor. This low pattern is as a result of the actuality that the organisation is a perpendicular and there are various individuals having different works t o do so. When there are more than 5 individuals, it is hard to be managed. Hence when there is an utmost of 5 people, the possessions and staffs still can be supervise in an effective manner. To the extent that resources allocation is concerned, the executives of each department in the Coca-Cola Company have the power to exploit the organisational assets whenever the assets are required for the purposes of their department. Special permission has to be approved by other superintendents if these assets belong to other superintendent. These resources may be capital, work force or other. When there are required positions in Coca-Cola Company and not on reserve basis, employment will be performed. The employment begins whenever a superintendent wants a salesperson. Foremost, it will send to be agreed by the General Manager of Coca-Cola Company before sending it to Human Resource department, HR. Example of the recruitment process: Human Resources department will verify from their Ex-Employers about the behavior and the cause of leaving. If the candidate is selected Education requirements and Screening Of the Personnel Available job are make public within Coca-Cola Company Human Resources department look for its data bank Selection is based on several decisive factors for various titles Aptitude test Example, for salesman Candidate is asked to turn up for an interview Candidate is asked for any references, which can make. If no suitable candidates for a specific profession If no suitable candidates, then publicise in the newspaper Coca-Cola Company If pass the aptitude test Carried out by the sales and Human Resources department Easy mathematics and common knowledge is tested. Familiar with how of English is also essential As a conclusion, an organising is the second function in the managerial functions. When the organization is well organised, it can be said that it is in the best conditions. Compare to the theory and real practice, state that the acceptance theory of authority which states that people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders. In the real practice, people tend to follow instruction from the person who is higher ranking than them as they do not like to make their own decisions. The other theory stated that the organization allow people to achieve what they would not achieve as individual. However in real practice, people tend to work own their own as they do not wish to share the same authority with other and to prove that they are capable of doing it individually. LEADING Definition Leading means the process of influencing others to engage in work behaviors that would lead to the achievement of goals. It can be said, it is the third function in management. This function has a unique characteristic as compared to other functions, employing the humanistic perspective but require less systematic process for analysis as other functions. A leader must lead his subordinates to achieve goals more efficiency. Due to business environment, leaders are constantly on the change. Today, a manager must be able to make a quick and more accurate decision, either in consensus building or teamwork environment. Leadership is a complex process in which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, and objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership also can be defined as the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals. To lead subordinates successfully, the manager must provide directions and leaders hip to his staffs, to perform the essential task within the required time frame, and with the most efficient use of resources. Leadership theory are include trait theory (leadership idea that try to identify characteristic that differentiated from non- leaders), behavioral theory (identified behaviors that differentiated effective leaders from ineffective leaders) and contingency theory (leaders should be flexible and adjust to change in the environment). In behavioral theory, it include autocratic, democratic and laissez- faire. Theories According to Keith (2002), Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen. According to Tom De Marco (2002), Leadership needs to be distinguished from posturing. According to Bateman-Snell (2004), Leading is the management function that involves the managers efforts to stimulate high performance by employees. Real Practice In Coca-Cola Company, other than the three of management functions, leading is important. The organization places the general manager on the top of the hierarchy. The general manager takes the responsibility of deciding major administrative decisions in accordance to the companys policy and operations. He will not be involved in the operations aspect directly. Departmental managers are tasked with leading and paving the direction for their subordinates. These leaders concentrate on two main parts of the operations. First, being co-ordination with each other in the operations, so as to increase the business volume. Second, employees are encouraged to give new ideas on increasing customer satisfaction. According to Herbert Spencer , that the time times produce the person and not the other way around. Coca-Cola believes they are practicing a democratic and laissez- faire style of leadership which are behavioral theory, through delegation and participation of employees. Since the sales a nd marketing team are dependent on one another, the team management concept is applied. The managers are very supportive of the practice of having subordinates treated in a fair and good manner. Employees are treated as part of the family. By encouraging them to participate in group discussions, using open communication system, employees are not left out in decision makings. So it can let employees always relax whether they are in work and also let them feeling that they are not just employees only come for work. They will feel comfortable as they are friend or a member of family either with superior or workmate. There have an highly open environment. Subordinates can show their opinion and feeling to the manager. Managers also will encourage employees participate to the decision- making so they will become participative so can make use for the group discussion. According to Victor Vroom, in collaboration with Phillip Yetton (1973) and later with Arthur Jago (1988) developed a taxonomy for describing leadership situation, taxonomy that wan use in a normative decision mo del where leadership styles were connected to situational variables, defining which approach was more suitable to which situation. Monetary and non-monetary rewards are used to entice a higher participation, especially from the lower level employees. The company gives high priority to motivate employees, adopting the policy of promoting employees within the company, based on performance, rather than recruiting a new staff. Achievable objectives and targets are set, which enables most employees to achieve and perform well. Paying wages that are higher than the industrys standard is also a part of the motivation plan. There are also various in-house campaigns and competition to stir up employees motivation. Motivated employees, gives important and timely feedbacks, like job or personal problems, which managers could help to solve. To further motivate employees, the company places importance to the working environment and goals achieved. The employees will get the commission if they se ll the products in bulk. The commission is base on the performance basis of subordinated. So, subordinates not only will get the salary but also commission. This can support and motivate employees to work hard and achieve the goals successfully more efficiency. This way is very objective and are perceives achievable by most of employees. Beside that the competition between employees can motivate them, other than this compensation plan also is a motivating factor as paying more than the industry average. A good working environment and a challenging milestone are a most important factor in employees motivation. Managers play a vital role to solve any problems of subordinates whether is job related or personal problem. According to Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in 1941, the five different leadership style of managerial grid model is based on the leaders concern for people and their concern for goal achievement. They also will give employees timely feedback about their unsatisfied. In th e function of leading, communication is a major factor in human relationship. With the contingency theory, the manager will be flexible and adjust to change according to situation. Information sharing among employees is highly encouraged. Top management seeks input and feedback from lower ranking employees, before implementing new company policies. The general manager is accessible to all employees at any time, if they have any grievances or suggestions. Communications between departments can be done formally or informally. The company uses grapevine to get employees view about the management. At Coca-Cola, the top management ensures the culture of the organization, which has its values formally documented and communicated to all employees, is adhered to. To ensure the successful implementation of the rules and values, the top management adopts the lead by example approach, when administering the policies. Employees behavior is reviewed periodically. So, as conclusion for leading, leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. To achieve the goal, leadership of manager are important to leading subordinates to exert high level effort for successful. Controlling Definition Every manager whether in small or big firm needs managerial skills to lead the company. The important managerial skills have four important skills which is planning, organizing, leading and controlling or managing. All these skills are related to each other. Without this four skills manager are not being able to lead the employees in order to achieve organization vision, mission and goal. Controlling is once of the important as the organization will not substined without it. Manager need controlling to encourages others employee to be creative, innovative and aware toward their jobs, beside that managers identify any opportunities for change and development to upgrade the quality of employees and also their product, before it drives change the manager scopes and plan it carefully. Other than that manager used controlling to manages other employees through the change process to make sure it run smoothly, manager also must takes account of all stakeholder issues that happen to them to make a clear understanding and try to avoid from occurs problem. Controlling is one of the activities involve in management, controlling also one of the managerial skills. Controlling is the process of regulating activities to achieve organizational goals. Theories Control consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plan adopted, the instructions issued, and principles established. Its object is to point out weaknesses and errors in order to rectify them and prevent recurrence. (Henri Fayol 1916) Control is checking current performance against pre-determined standards contained in the plans, with a view to ensure adequate progress and satisfactory performance. (EFL Breach) Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished. (Harold Koontz) Management is the profession of control. (Stafford Beer 1970) Real Practice Controlling is done through the evaluation, which is based on the very objective basis. Some criteria are fixed in advance, if these criteria are not met when the employees are asked and evaluated for the reasons and corrective actions are taken by the respective managers. All this is control by manager to make the process run without problem. Different departments have different criteria, different reporting and controlling systems. The reporting, evaluation and control system of sales departments is Sales Persons reporting system and Sales Persons Evaluation System. Controlling is important to manager because manager used it to check the error and made a correction so the deviation standard can be achieved. This managerial skills is been using by the well known beverage soft drink which is the Coca-cola company. Sales Persons reporting system is where the employees give a daily report of his done activities to market developer of his area, sales person also are free to ask for any kind of assistance from the market developer to help him doing the activities. Every sales person will be giving a punch card which will record his arrival and departure time. They also will be given a route card which he must fill out to make sure the details about the time spent of visit the outlet, times during the traveling and it include the names of the loaders and salesperson time in and out of the vehicle. This will make the progress running smoothly and managers are able to control. Apart from this the manager also will inform about the next days order to be loaded in the truck to be deliver, this also will tell the manager the sum of sales by the sales person according to the brand and the size of the product. Sales person evaluation system is which the company help to promote their employees to the higher level of the firm. The evaluation also help to increase salesperson motivation to work hard and get the promotion or the monetary rewards which is given not only to the best seller but it also has been given to the best market developer and also the best sales manager of the year. Performance is measured on the basis of the achievement of the target which is set and communicated at the beginning of the year to each of sales manager, quarter to every each market developer and to each sales person on every month. This performance is evaluated according to the basis of performance development plan, it also development plan to the sales person on the call slips, route call, call completion, effective and productive call, attendance, growth in sales, market development and the punctuality of the salesman. As for the coca-cola company, the manager do organizational performance appraisal on the process which generate valid information about employee work effectiveness for the purpose of making informed human resource decisions. Organization must evaluate employee performance for a number of reasons. First, the employees need to understand the behavioral requirement of the job. Other than that employees work is evaluated for its contributions to company goals. Employees also need to know where they stand with the organization in terms of their performance, they also motivate to do a good job is increased by the performance appraisal system. Valid information about performance levels of employees should be used to make decisions about salary increased, bonuses and training needs. Beside that employees need a clear understanding of what the firm expects from them in terms of performance. The Coca-Cola Company realizes that a good appraisal system makes organizational processes more effecti ve because managers can use the performance appraisal system as a motivational tool. An effective appraisal system creates many opportunity for managers to interact with their subordinates about team performance measures, cycle times, company goals, service quality, and employees career aspiration. If there is no formal and objective performance appraisal system, employees may believe that the firm is unconcerned with treating them fairly, this is why the managerial skills is much important to manager to lead the company and it would not be complete if the manager do not practice all the skills indeed for the company future. Few managers would question the firms need to assess the performance behaviour of its employee. The proces
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